Home Interiors Organizing & Decluttering

Ninety-Five November, What is it?

My biggest Ninety-Five November project this year was finishing painting these lower cabinets. Now our kitchen renovation is 100% complete and it feels really good!

Have you ever heard of Ninety-Five November? I hadn’t either until last week… and it is a mind blowingly simple yet brilliant concept! In a nut shell, it is about taking the month of November to finish up those 95% completed projects that you’ve started but not finished throughout the year. Why do I love this concept so much? Let me tell you!

It’s great for your mental health. It gives you a boost in your own personal integrity and confidence within yourself when you finish what you start. It also feels really good to finish projects up before the end of the year. You can enjoy the holiday season a little bit more with the satisfaction that your never ending to-do list is complete. You can start a fresh new year on the right foot and be intentional with a new list of projects to tackle instead of entering the new year with a list of uncompleted tasks.

It might be just the push that you needed to finish things up. When unfinished things sit for a certain length of time, you start to get used to it and it becomes easier and easier to turn a blind eye. The unfinished project just becomes the norm and it slowly and subconsciously drops off your radar. Ninety Five November not only gives you a time frame to complete your projects but it forces you to sit down and think up which projects need completing that you may have already turned a blind eye to.

You’ll probably come up with a list of projects that need more than just the last tidbits finished up, or maybe even some new projects that you intended to do but didn’t get to. Don’t start any new projects though, unless you are really feeling motivated. Remember, the goal of Ninety Five November is to finish things up, not to put pressure on yourself and rush new projects that may not be able to be completed before the end of the year.

Thanks for reading! – Brigitte

The Harmonious Home, Professional Organizer and Interior Decorator in St.Albert, AB, Canada